Day: June 13, 2022

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#Real Estate

Pros and Cons of Residential Dementia Care Homes

Before considering a residential dementia care home, it is worth asking yourself which type of care is right for your relative. Although both living-in-home and residential dementia care have their pros and cons, living-in-home care is often more cost-effective, and residents can enjoy a warm, cosy environment. In addition, both types of care can provide excellent care and support for a loved one. click here  for additional information.

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Living-in home care is cheaper than residential dementia care

While the costs of residential dementia care homes may seem high, they are actually much lower than assisted living. Depending on where you live and what services you need, you can expect to pay around $1,500 per month or less per person per month. This includes EMI nursing homes, which are funded by the local authority. In addition, living-in-home care is more flexible than residential care. You can choose whichever type of care package best fits your needs.

Residents can be more flexible

The key to ensuring flexibility in residential dementia care homes is to ensure that staff are appropriately trained in health and social care. This includes understanding the specific needs of older people and their families. Care staff must also be well-versed in dementia care and should have a broad understanding of the independent and private sectors in which residents live.